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Emerging Leaders Program

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The Emerging Leaders Program was created to engage the next generation of leaders in the residential construction industry to explore future leadership and/or ambassadorship within the association. The intent is to provide sustainability, growth, and enthusiasm for member companies and the association.

The mission of the Emerging Leaders Program is to drive and support the initiatives of the Home Builders Association of Northwest Michigan (HBANWMI) with a focus on sustainability through ambassadorship and leadership.
Members wishing to be part of the Emerging Leaders Program are asked to contact HBA Past President Dean Adams.

2 Part Series 

  • Leaders 101/201 - June 29th- HBAGTA-Who We Are, Operations, & Leadership Basics
    Participants will gain an understanding about the HBA's past, present, and future, and the HBA models at the local, state, and national levels.  They will also gain an understanding of how the HBA office is operated, the role of the Board of Directors, committees, and task forces.  Attributes of effective leadership qualities will be discussed.
  • Leaders 301 - July 27th - Financials & Industry Challenges
    In this final session, the focus will be on association financials, led by Treasurer Jennifer Bard and Past President Dean Adams.  Participants will be introduced to the key metrics that our HBA uses to assess the financial health and future challenges the industry is faced with.

Program members will follow-up by attending meetings and mingling with current association leaders.

2023 Group of Emerging Leaders!

Dane Englert - The Ferraro Group

Dane Englert
The Ferraro Group

Brayton Farr

Brayton Farr

Andrea Holcomb of Extreme Cleaning Solutions

Andrea Holcomb
Extreme Cleaning Services

Karla Shappee

Karla Shappee
MSU Federal Credit Union

Jordan Steverlynck (1)

Jordan Steverlynck
45th Property & Power

Brandi Trussell

Brandi Trussell
911 Restoration

Blake Waldecker of Waldecker Homes

Blake Waldecker
Waldecker Homes


Matt Waligorski
Highstreet Peterson McGregor Insurance

Brandi Wolf of Carnes Painting & Gardening

Brandi Wolf
Carnes Painting & Gardening

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